crocheting · Knitting · Quilting · Stitching · Tools

Creative block and Endo Awareness Month.

Ugh! Don’t you hate it when you have a creative block! That has been my problem this week. I am so close to finishing one of my designs and I had this idea to use a certain type of button but when I went to buy them, I couldn’t get them anywhere. And all the buttons I looked at just didn’t cut it! I have a few more places to look but I’m not holding my breath. So on the weekend I tried something else. I got halfway through and I just don’t know if I’m liking the way it is turning out. So I’ve just left it. I look at it every day to see if the design will talk to me. It’s so frustrating because I really need to get this design finished so I can write it up.

In the meantime I’ve been working on another design, a crochet pattern, which is coming together nicely. I have about 7 squares to do up and then I can put the finishing touches to it. It’s exciting to see my designs come to life. I have another 3 which are still only on paper but I’m looking forward to breathing life into them as well.

On Saturday I went to Knit N Sip at Knit Purl Yarn Boutique and Ruth, the knitting teacher was there. I was talking to her about the wrap I want to knit and she thought it would look good in 8ply, which means the wool I’ve been waiting to come back into stock is now not needed, so I spent Sunday afternoon looking at 8 ply wool in a similar colour and found some pretty merino. I ordered it from and got 15% off because it was my first order so I was happy.

Hubble, however, suggested that maybe I should finish some of my existing yarn projects before I start another one (in fact told me not to start another project until I had finished at least one). Challenge accepted!

Last night I finished Miss M’s beanie. It turned out well, even the pom pom. I just have to add a label and write some care instructions up, then pop it in the mail. I hope Miss M likes it.

I’m still working on the Grinda Shawl. I’ve got about 11 rows to go. Each row is taking about an hour or just over to complete and my hands have been aching as well so I’ve had to be careful with how much time I spend crocheting.

I forgot to mention in my last post that March is National Craft Month. A lot of people think craft can be a pretty daggy pastime but there is a whole world out there of amazing designers doing incredibly beautiful things, both in the quilting, stitchery world and the yarn world. I love being a part of that AND it’s sooo good for my mental health. I literally have to do something creative every single day, otherwise I feel like something is missing. Crafting keeps me sane, it gives my day balance and makes me an all round nicer person. And I love giving something handmade as a present for the people I care about. Everything I make is made with so much love and I hope people realise that a handmade gift is something very special and sometimes hours have been spent creating it. If you feel that you would benefit from some crafting time then find your closest fabric, wool or craft store and explore the shelves to see what takes your fancy.

March is also Endometriosis Awareness month. This is very close to my heart because I suffer from endometriosis (endo). I have spent my whole adult life trying to find something that will let me live a relatively normal life and finally in the last year I finally have some normality. It took me 32 years to have it confirmed that I suffered from endo and by then, it was so bad that all the organs in my pelvis and lower abdomen were stuck together. It was also growing in my bladder.

For those of you who don’t know what it is, endo is when the lining of your uterus grows in other parts of your body. And like the lining in your uterus, every month it sheds but unlike the lining in your uterus it has nowhere to go. So, it forms into what is known as chocolate cysts, which causes organs to fuse together, and pain, sometimes so bad that you vomit and lie in the foetal position wishing you were dead.

I’m very lucky. Not only do I have a great Gyno but I have also reacted well to medication given to me and had excellent results with alternative medicine as well. I have had surgery and will, no doubt, have to have further surgery in the future but for now I have a relatively normal life for the first time in a very long time.

What I really want to stress here is that painful periods are not normal. Really heavy periods are not normal. Some bloating, maybe feeling uncomfortable is normal when having your period but being in pain, especially pain that stops you from going about your day is NOT NORMAL!!! And if your doctor tells you it is, then you need to see another doctor. And keep seeing other doctors until one of them takes you seriously.

The problem with endo is that it affects each woman differently. For example, three of my family members have endo. One had it bad until she had kids, I have had it bad my whole adult life and the other family member didn’t even know she had it until a doctor told her she had it after having some tests done for something else. She had no symptoms whatsoever. This , I feel, is part of the reason why it is so hard to diagnose for a lot of doctors.

I feel hopeful for my future, and I feel hopeful that one day there will be a cure for this horrible, horrible disease. If you’re suffering, please get help. The quicker you find it, the better it can be treated and hopefully the more normal your life will be.

Lastly, Hubble bought me a new present the other week – a Knit Pro Swift and Ball Winder. This lets me wind a skein of yarn into a ball in about 10 minutes. When I do it manually it takes about 40 minutes and Hubble has to sit with yarn around his hands. It’s such a great tool and I love it.

So that’s it for now. Have a great week. Until next time…get creative!

Business · crocheting · Knitting · sewing · Stitching

Yarn Obsession!

Two weeks has gone by already. Oh my that was fast! I have been busy, busy, busy, working on my designs for my business launch and doing background work for TPH like setting up books and working out instagram posts for the month. So far I have stuck to my schedule, which I’m really proud of. It has meant that some of my personal projects have been cast aside, like my Stitch Therapy 365, my Homespun BOM blocks, some knitting & crocheting projects and Miss M’s quilt. The only personal projects I have been doing are the Grinda Shawl (cause I need to keep up with the class) and a beanie I’m knitting for Miss M.

In my last post I told you that I was going to buy some thinner yarn and have another go at the lace work I had learnt in a class. Well I did and I did it perfectly. No lost stitches, no extra stitches…everything was perfect. I knew it was the yarn I was using! The yarn I bought was so pretty that I decided that I couldn’t not make something from it, so I decided that Miss M could do with a beanie. Living in Melbourne can get pretty chilly so it’s a perfect gift really.

This beanie isn’t worked in the round funnily enough. It has a seam up the back, which is just as well because I think I could get confused with the cable pattern.

It’s coming together really quickly and I can’t wait to give it to her. It’s a cotton variegated yarn by Katia called Candy for Baby in colour 650. In the photo it’s lying on top of my Grinda Shawl, which I am loving. Tonight is my last lesson and we get the pattern for the last part of the shawl. I am running way behind this week because the pattern didn’t give stitch count for some of the rows so it’s been a case of trial and error to ensure I get the right amount so the pattern crochets up properly.

I am loving the colours in this shawl. I’m currently going into a plum colour and then teal.

Creating this shawl has definitely inspired me to try and do up some of the ideas I have for shawls. I’m just at the note taking stage currently but excited for a time when I have a moment to see what I can bring to life.

I am totally obsessed with yarn at the moment. I have been buying The Knitter magazine. It has the most gorgeous patterns in it. There is a wrap I am hanging to knit but just have to wait for the wool to come in. It’s a beautiful berry colour.

I also bought some gorgeous wool from Lena at Knit Purl Yarn ( last week. It is from Urth Yarns (

I want to make a shawl call the Butterfly Shawl or Papillion Shawl. It looks quite complicated but I’m up for the challenge.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Hubble & I went to an awards night last Friday for my day job. It was a formal occasion so I got to wear my fake fur stole and wedding shoes again. My feet, of course, are still recovering because whilst my shoes are absolutely gorgeous, they absolutely hurt my feet. I walked back to the car in barefeet after the night ended. The cool wet grass we had to cross was just what my feet were asking for. The coolness felt so good. It was so humid and hot where we had pre-dinner drinks. I spent 40 minutes curling my hair and by the time this photo was taken, it had nearly all dropped out. Perth doesn’t usually get so humid so I’ve forgotten that my hair does not like it.

The only photo we got on the night. Hubble looked weird in a tie, but still handsome. He didn’t even wear one to our wedding.

So that’s about it for this post. Have a great week and I’ll check in again soon.

Until next time…get creative!

crocheting · Knitting · Quilting · Stitching

CEO Days and such!

I’m sorry I didn’t post last week. The wifi in our house has been down and the mobile data on our phones has been playing up as well, so I’ve had no access to anything. It has been very frustrating. I am hotspotting off Hubble’s work phone (we pay for it) at the moment to get this post done.

So, what have I been doing for the last 2 weeks? I’ve been to 2 classes at Knit Purl Yarn Boutique to learn mosaic and lace knitting. They were both lots of fun but I definitely need more practice in the lace knitting. Couldn’t seem to keep the same number of stitches on my needle.

Mosaic knitting sample – not blocked
More mosaic knitting but in a pattern – not blocked

As you can see the lace knitting seemed to wonder off on its own towards the end but I’m going to preserve and maybe buy some thinner wool to practice with. It was hard to see what was happening with this colour and thickness.

I also tried my hand at zig zag crocheting. I’ve always wanted to learn how to do it and I saw a tutorial on you tube that I thought I would give a whirl.

Now I know the basics I can leave that style in my arsenal for when I’m designing new stuff.

Zig Zag Crocheting – not blocked

I have also been to another class for the Grinda Shawl and I have been trying to finish the next section for the class tonight. I have really enjoyed watching this come together. It’s so pretty the way the colours just seem to melt into one another. I don’t have a photo of the second part finished yet so I have just shown you what the pattern was for this section. It was called popcorn stitch.

Since I’ve been doing all this knitting I decided to organise my knitting and bought some project bags and a yarn bowl to try and tidy it up. The project bags are great. They are only for small to medium projects which is good because I have a bigger project bag already. The project bags have a little pocket inside to keep any notions you need, like a stitch counter or stitch markers. The yarn bowl is huge and fits 3 project bags and a larger project inside, plus my little yarn bowl and some other wool I’m looking to start projects with.

Della Q Yarn bowl and project bags are a great addition to your studio.

I also bought a small project bag to take to class, which has a snap lock little notions pouch on the inside so you can find your notions straight away. All of this is from Della Q. I have also used a cutlery tray from Aldi to organise all my needles. It’s making everything much easier to find.

This bag has so much room inside and I love the snap lock notions pouch that you always know where it is.

Finally, I have also bought from Knit Purl Yarn Boutique a lotion bar to keep my hands soft and supple.

It smells absolutely devine and is so easy to use. It doesn’t leave a residue on your skin for long so it won’t come off on your fabric or threads. You can use it on your feet and lips, anywhere you have dry skin. I must say my feet have been particularly dry this summer and this is the first lotion that I can use and it visibly makes my feet look more moisturised and I don’t slip over in the morning when I walk on the wooden floors. I’m really impressed with this.

By the way, I just want you to know that I have not been paid to endorse these products. I have bought them, used them & loved them and when I love something I tell everybody! AND you get them all from Knit Purl Yarn Boutique in Kalamunda.

Apart from all that knitting, I have also been working on my business The Paisley Hummingbird. I have been listening to this great podcast “Creative Women’s League” which is a podcast for women entrepreneurs in the craft industry. Kate Toney has been a wealth of information for me and yesterday Hubble and I had our first CEO Day. This is a day where we decide what we’re going to do for the next month and put deadlines on these things. I wanted to involve Hubble because he will pull me up if I’m being too easy or hard on myself and also so he can see just how busy I’m going to be if we want this business to be a success. We also worked on our word for 2019 which turned out to be abundance. Abundance means to us that we are unlimited in what we can achieve and do this year. Not just in the business but in our personal life and in Hubble’s professional life as well. We want to roll in an abundance of love, health, wealth and opportunities, so it was a very fitting word. We also worked out our 3 long term goals and some short term goals. Sunday I wrote out the plan we’d made on our big calendar and planned in detail how I was going to meet the deadlines I had set for myself. And then to celebrate finishing Hubble and I shared a lemon lime tart.

Another decision I have made about the business is a change of logo. The original logo I had was just too wish washy and really didn’t represent my brand. I needed something brighter and quirky. So, onto Hatchful by Shopify I went to create a new logo which is in one of my favourite colours and has an Art Deco/Seventies vibe to it. My designs have a vintage/retro feel to them so I wanted my logo to reflect that. I think that it’s better to get the logo right now before I launch.

Lastly here is a sneak peek of what I have been working on lately. Sorry, I can’t show you much but as you see I’m using some lovely Tilda fabrics. I can’t wait to show you the completed design.

Well that’s all for this week. Hopefully our internet will be fixed this week and life will go back to normal. Have a great week. Be great in everything you do, be kind to everyone you meet and be nobody else but you.

Until next time…get creative!

Block of the Month · sewing

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

I’m afraid to say that I haven’t got much further with my unfinished projects. My day job has been busier than usual and I haven’t had the energy to do much else in the evenings except go to bed!

I’ve managed to do about a half of the Christmas gift tags and made a couple of ornaments for the tree from some left over Christmas fabric from last year.

I haven’t decided what to do with some other fabric I have so I might pack it away until next year. I have some beautiful Christmas designs as well that I might make into a Christmas wall hanging or maybe a bed quilt. 

One thing I did get finished was block 5 from the Homespun BOM. In the end, I decided to use some flowers from a fat quarter I had and use them instead of the embroidered ones that were in the pattern. I just don’t have time to do all that hand embroidery. I would like to finish this quilt top by the end of January so I had to make sacrifices somewhere. I was pretty pleased with the finished block. Now I can move on to the last three blocks. 

I have also made some gingerbread Christmas trees but the icing was crap so no pictures this time but I’ll make my second batch next week some time.  Oh, & I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping, so that’s a bonus. My feet are killing me from today’s effort. My lovely Hubble kindly massaged some peppermint oil into them. 

This week I need to finish the Gift Tags for the kids presents and hopefully make up some more ornaments.

I hope you’re all on schedule for Christmas. 

Until next time…get creative!

Block of the Month · crocheting · Quilting · sewing · Stitching

When life gives you lemons…


Life certainly has been giving Hubble & I lemons lately and as much as you try to make lemonade out of them, sometimes you just have to face the fact that they are lemons and it sucks!

Just when you think things are back on track after the last curveball, you get thrown another one and it can be very stressful. Thank God for my rescue remedy and stitching. My sewing room has become my sanctuary, my little piece of what’s right in this world. So as I try to keep my chin up and carry on I have created the following items over the last few weeks.

I finished block six of the Homespun BOM and it is gorgeous!



I’ve also completed block five up to the hand sewing which I haven’t started yet because there’s a lot of it and it’s rather overwhelming.

I’ve also been doing some stitching. The little bee at the top of the post has been put into a hexi frame and I wear as a necklace. I was really pleased with how he turned out. I’m also making a brooch, so hopefully that will turn out as good.

I have also been designing a lap rug with some wool I got from a local yarn store.


It’s a very portable project and with my new crochet hook it is crocheting up really fast. It’s a Kollage Square Hook and it’s great for relieving hand fatigue.

Hubble and I after a particularly stressful week, decided to go hiking in our local area. Being out in nature was just what my soul needed and I felt rejuvenated (at least for a little while). If it ever stops raining, we’re hoping to explore other parts of our suburb.


Well that’s all for this week.

Until next time…get creative!

Block of the Month · Knitting · Quilting · sewing · Stitching

Busy, busy, busy bee!

One of the exhibits at the Quilt & Craft Fair. It’s called Five Vases by Philippe Thomas. I love how the quilting echos the felt appliqué and such a vibrant colour palette.

Three weeks has flown since I last posted and I have been soooo busy. Mostly finishing off presents, which I can’t show you until I have given them to the recipient.
Continue reading “Busy, busy, busy bee!”